Bonafide Certificate – Format, Application and Sample Templates!

A Bonafide Certificate, issued by the Headmaster of a school stated that a girl student had studied from Class 3 to Class 6 in the school and her date of birth was mentioned as November 12, 1995. When ChildLine officials cited the ‘certificate’ as basis for her marriage, another source clarified that the girl had studied up to Class 10 at a designated Girls’ Hostel and the records could be verified. When the ChildLine officials accessed records at the hostel, they found that there the date of birth of the girl was given as November 11, 1997. Different entries, at two educational institutes, for the date of birth of the same girl made a clear case of a fake bonafide certificate that came to light. With regard to given context it becomes necessary to understand the various aspects of a bonafide certificate.

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Bonafide Certificate – A General Awareness! 

A Bonafide Certificate is nothing but an important documented proof. It establishes the authenticity of an individual in the capacity of a student or employee or a person involved/engaged/associated in a given context for that matter with a particular institution/company/organisation. And therefore a Bonafide Certificate becomes instrumental in several contexts vis-a-vis the following:

  • Scholarship Application
  • Visa Application
  • Admission Processes
  • Loan Application
  • Job Application
  • Other Specific Requirements

The term ‘Bonafide’ has a latin origin which means ‘In Good Faith.’ Therefore, in simple terms it can be understood as a formal declaration made in good faith under genuine circumstances about an individual’s association with an institution or a tangible fact within a given context.

A bonafide certificate is an official document issued by an institution, organisation or a company for that matter verifying an individual’s identity and association with it. In India, this certificate is important for different purposes including requirements for scholarship and visa application, general verification and while seeking employment or applying for an educational loan, amongst others.

The specific requirements and format template of a bonafide certificate may vary between institutions. However, it consists of details like name, the period of employment or enrollment or association in any other capacity and a signature of the competent authority. The bonafide certificates follow a formal structure, including important information about the individual in an active association with the related institution/employer. 

Let us explore the utility of bonafide certificates and its various aspects including how it is made, who is authorised to issue this in India, what is the format of the template etc. 

To begin with, a Bonafide Certificate serves to prove the education, experience, caste, income, conduct, and disciplinary behaviour of an applicant. Let us explore some of the sample formats for bonafide certificates issued by different institutions/authorities to help gain a better understanding.

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Bonafide Certificate – Format Template and Types!

A Bonafide Certificate issued by the institution or employer certifies that a person is associated or had an association in one form or other, in other words the individual is/was an employee or a student or associated in a given capacity with the institution. In other words, for a student, it is a proof of evidence showcasing that an individual belongs to a particular class, course in the institution for a specific time period. It intends to serve various objectives in different  academic or any other related professional domain as required. A basic format of the template is provided hereafter.

Bonafide Certificate - Format Template and Types

Bonafide Certification: Types

Let us understand the types and purposes it is usually required for.

  • Application for Scholarships, Fellowships and Internships Programmes
  • Passport Application and Visa Renewal and Extension
  • Application for Education Loans
  • For Address Proof 
  • For Attending Official Conference,  Seminar and Workshops in Academic Institutions
  • For Externship and Project Work in an Industrial Set-up
  • For Availing Travel Concessions
  • For Joining Public Platforms like Library, Clubs etc.
  • To Open a Bank Account
  • To Avail a Bank Loan 
  • As a Proof of Education and Work Experience
  • Proof of Caste
  • Proof of Income
  • Proof of Conduct, Disciplinary Behaviour 

The list goes on and we see that the Bonafide Certificate plays a crucial role in a wide array of documentation requirements in multiple areas.

Requirements for Academic Purposes

A Bonafide Certificate is an important document that is required to validate academic eligibility. It serves as a documented proof of active association or involvement of the applicants seeking to pursue and further his or her academic aspirations in a particular educational institution.

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A. Application for Scholarships, Fellowships and Internships Programmes 

Before applying for scholarships, fellowships and internships programmes, applicants must understand the specific requirements of details needed to remain present in a Bonafide Certificate. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

A Bonafide Certificate for scholarship purposes must include the following details:

  • Name of Student/Applicant
  • Name of the Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Duration of the Course
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate in an educational institution? 

The Principal, Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution is authorised to issue a Bonafide Certificate.  


B. Application for Education Loans

A Bonafide Certificate is an essential document required at the time of applying for education loans. Different banks or financial institutions may differ on the criteria and documentation requirements.

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

While applying for an education loan a Bonafide Certificate must include the following details: 

  • Name of Student 
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Duration of the Course
  • Course Fee 
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate for the purpose of education loan programmes?

Banks often require a Bonafide Certificate from the student for education loan purposes. 

It is issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution.  


C. Application for Internship and Fellowship Programmes

Government or private entities require proof of current academic status at the time of shortlisting candidates for internship and fellowship programmes. The applicants are required to submit a Bonafide Letter which is considered as a valid document to certify their current academic status. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

While applying for an internship a bonafide certificate must include the following details: 

  • Name of Student 
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Duration of the Course
  • Course Fee 
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate for internship or fellowship programmes?

It is issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution.


D. Transfer from One Institution to Another 

If a student gets transferred from one educational institution to another, the new institution may ask for a Bonafide Certificate that serves as proof of enrollment in the present class including the disciplinary aspect. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The Bonafide Certificate for the purpose of a student’s transfer from one institute to another, the document must include the following details: 

  • Name of Student 
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate for a student’s transfer from one institution to another?

It is issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution.


E. Visa Application Process

A Bonafide Certificate is an important document requirement in the student visa application process. Consulates and embassies may require this as proof of a student’s enrollment in an educational institution. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The  bonafide certificate for the visa application process must include the following details:  

  • Name of the Applicant 
  • Photograph (if required)
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate for the student visa application process?

It is issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution as required at the time of visa application.

Requirements for Professional Purposes 

A Bonafide Letter serves as a useful document for fulfilling several professional objectives. It is proof of evidence of an individual’s current employment or association with a particular organisation.

1. For Seeking Part-time or Full-Time Employment 

A Bonafide Certificate is required at the time of seeking part-time or full-time employment. It is a proof of current academic status or occupation if already employed. It is usually required by employers during the hiring process. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The bonafide certificate for part-time or full-time employment should include the following details of the applicant:

  • Name of the Applicant 
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate to students seeking part-time or full-time employment?

It is also issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution as required at the time of seeking part-time or full-time employment. 


Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The bonafide certificate for employed professionals should include the following details: 

  • Name of Employee
  • Employee ID
  • Job Title or Position of Employee
  • Name of the Department
  • Name of the Organisation
  • Duration of Employment
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate to employed professionals?

The HR Manager or Departmental Head, CEO, Chairman, Head of the Organisation are authorised to issue a Bonafide Certificate for an employed professional. 


2. Application for Training Programs 

A Bonafide Certificate is required at the time of application for training programs as it serves as proof of evidence for the individual’s current academic or employment status. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The bonafide certificate for training programs includes the following details:

  • Name of the Applicant 
  • Name of Father/Mother 
  • Admission or Enrollment Number 
  • Name of Course and Year of Study
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Institution 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who issues a Bonafide Certificate to students to participate in training programs?

It is also issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution.


For employees 

  • Name of employee
  • Employee ID
  • Job Title or Position of Employee
  • Name of the Department
  • Name of the Organisation 
  • Duration of Employment
  • Name or Logo with Names of the Organisation
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal, Signature and Designation of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate to employed professionals?

The HR Manager or Departmental Head, CEO, Chairman, Head of the Organisation are authorised to issue a Bonafide Certificate for an employed professional to participate in training programmes.


For Personal and Other Purposes

A Bonafide Certificate is also required by the students or employees, for personal and other purposes such as availing government benefits and for seeking health or travel insurance. 

For Availing Benefits of Government Welfare Programmes 

To avail governmental benefits of scholarships, financial aid, and other schemes students/employees may be required to submit a bonafide certificate. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details

The bonafide certificate for government benefits includes the following details:

  • Name of Student/Employee
  • Enrollment Number/Employee ID 
  • Name of the Course and Year of Study
  • Name of the Institution/Organisation
  • Course/Employment Duration 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal and Signature of the Authorised Signatory 

Who are the issuing authorities of a Bonafide Certificate for availing benefits of the government welfare programmes?

It is also issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution as required at the time of seeking part-time or full-time employment, whereas the HR Manager or Department Head is authorised to sign a Bonafide Certificate to employees for availing the benefits available under government welfare programmes.

For the Purpose of Health or Travel Insurance 

In many cases, the bonafide certificate is required for the purpose of seeking travel or health insurance for individuals. This may be a requirement of the institution offering admission. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The bonafide certificate for travel or health insurance includes the following details:

  • Name of Student/Employee
  • Enrollment Number/Employee ID 
  • Name of the Course and Year of Study
  • Name of the Institution/Organisation
  • Course/Employment Duration 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal and Signature of the Authorised Signatory 

Who issues a Bonafide Certificate for seeking health or travel insurance benefits?

This is again issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution as required at the time of seeking part-time or full-time employment, whereas the HR Manager or Department Head is authorised to sign a Bonafide Certificate to employees for availing the benefits available under government welfare programmes.

General Verification

A Bonafide Certificate helps in verifying the identity and credentials of an individual. The employee must submit a formal request to the HR or administrative department stating the objective of the requirement.

Identity Proof or Document Verification 

The bonafide certificates are often used as a form of document for ascertaining verification or identity proof of the candidate. It plays an important role in different official and administrative processes. It serves as proof of association with an organisation or educational institution. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The bonafide certificate for document verification or identity proof includes the following details:

  • Name of Student/Employee
  • Enrollment Number/Employee ID 
  • Course Name and Year of Study
  • Name of the Institution/Organisation 
  • Duration of the Course/Employment 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal and Signature of the Authorised Signatory 

Who issues a Bonafide Certificate that serves as the identity proof? 

The following authorities are authorised to issue a Bonafide Certificate: 

  • It is also issued by the following authorised officials such as the Principal or Headmaster of a School, Principal and Registrar of a College, or the Head of an Institution.
  • HR Manager or Departmental Head 


For Legal Purposes

A Bonafide Certificate is again an important requirement for many legal purposes in India. This certificate helps ensure the authenticity of individuals’ claim in compliance to legal and administrative matters. 

Bonafide Certificate: Details 

The Bonafide Certificate for legal purposes must include the following details:

  • Name of Student/Employee
  • Enrollment Number/Employee ID 
  • Course Name and Year of Study
  • Name of the Institution/Organisation 
  • Duration of the Course/Employment 
  • Date of Issuance
  • Seal and Signature of the Authorised Signatory 

Who issues a bonafide certificate that can be used for legal purposes?

The Principal of the School/College, Registrar of the college and the Head of the institution are authorised to issue Bonafide Certificate to students that are equally relevant for any legal matters. For employees, the HR Manager or Department Head can issue the bonafide certificate.

Also Read: Obtaining a Bonafide Certificate: Essential Documentation Guide

FAQs on Bonafide Certificate!

What is the basic sample template of the application for making a Bonafide Certificate? 

The basic sample template of the application for making a Bonafide Certificate can be developed on the basis of following lines:

What is the basic sample template of the application for making a Bonafide Certificate

Who issues Bonafide Certificates to students for scholarship purposes? 

The educational institution/employers are broadly involved in issuing the authorised bonafide certificate to students for availing the scholarship benefits.

What are the general objectives of creating a Bonafide Certificate?

Bonafide certificates are commonly used for various purposes. This is usually required to serve educational, employment, residential, and travel-related needs.

What is the basic difference between an application for a Bonafide Certificate made by a student to that of parents? Suggest with a sample.

Request for a Bonafide Certificate made can be appreciated by the two given sample as follows:

A school student may be required to obtain a Bonafide Certificate from school for making an Aadhaar Card, to open a bank account, applying for a passport, among other reasons. It can be produced by a student along similar lines:

What is the basic difference between an application for a Bonafide Certificate made by a student to that of parents

A sample request letter for making Bonafide Certificate from School by Parents can be sampled on the following line:

A sample request letter for making Bonafide Certificate from School by Parents can be sampled on the following line

What are the details required to be present in a bonafide certificate for scholarship purposes?

A bonafide certificate must include the name of the student, roll number/enrollment number, course name, year of study, course duration, institution’s name, date of issuance, and seal and signature of the authorised signatory. 

Can I use a bonafide certificate as proof of identity?

Yes, a student or employee can use a bonafide certificate as proof of identity for professional purposes. 

Who is authorised to provide a bonafide certificate in India?

For students, the Principal or the Headmaster of the school/college, the registrar of the college and the head of the institution are authorised to sign a bonafide letter. However, for employees of private and government organisations HR, relevant Department Head, and Administrative Officer can issue a bonafide certificate.

Who issues a bonafide certificate in an educational institution? 

The Principal, Headmaster, Registrar of the School/College, or the Head of an Institution is authorised to issue a bonafide certificate.  

How long is a bonafide certificate valid?

The validity of a bonafide certificate varies for different issuing institutions and the purpose for which it is issued. Usually, it is valid for 6 months to 1 year. 

Is a bonafide certificate the same as a character certificate?

No, a character certificate verifies the conduct and behaviour of an individual, while a bonafide certificate confirms an individual’s association with an institution.

Can you share a sample application for making a Bonafide Certificate for participating in an Internship/Apprenticeship programmes?

A sample application for making a Bonafide Certificate for participating in an Internship/Apprenticeship programme seeks to validate the college or institution the applicant is studying at. It could be sampled on the following line:

Can you share a sample application for making a Bonafide Certificate for participating in an Internship Apprenticeship programmes

What is the general rule of periodic validity of a Bonafide Certificate?

Temporary bonafide certificates are generally valid for a period of six months to a year. When a company/institute issues a permanent bonafide certificate, it remains valid till the duration of the class or course or till the employee is working in the company.

Can I get a Bonafide Certificate even after having graduated from the institute?

A Bonafide Certificate is usually issued by an educational institution to certify that a student is/was a part of the institution for a specific period. These certificates are often required for various purposes such as applying for jobs, visa applications, or other official documentation. Whether you can Obtain a Bonafide Certificate after having graduated from an institute  may depend on the policies of the specific institution. In many cases, after having graduated, the institution may not issue a Bonafide Certificate since it is usually meant for current students. However, some institutions may provide a bonafide certificate to alumni on the basis of request received for valid reasons. Students are advised  to connect with the administration or registrar’s office to get well informed on this aspect.

Can I keep the original copy of the Bonafide Certificate and share the duplicate copy wherever required?

Yes you can get the duplicate copies made, however it is important to file the original copies if it is required to be done in similar capacity. The original copy can also be notarized as a proof of evidence.


  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

Upto Class 8 Class 1 to10 (Pre-Matric) Class 9 to 10 (Pre-Matric) Post-Matric(Class 11-12) Class 11 & 12 Class 12 passed Polytechnic/Diploma/ITI ITI Diploma/Polytechnic Graduation Post-Graduation Medical Engineering Girls NSP Portal Income Based SC/ST/OBC Law

Scholarship by State

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Scholarships A to Z

Abdul Kalam Scholarship Aicte Internship AICTE NSP Scholarships Aicte Scholarship Aicte Swanath Scholarship Aikyashree Arunachal Pradesh scholarship Assam Scholarship Atul Maheshwari Scholarship Begum Hazrat Mahal National Scholarship Bihar Scholarship BYPL Sashakt Scholarship CBSE Scholarship Central Sector Scholarship CG Scholarship CG Scholarship Portal Chandigarh Scholarship Colgate Scholarship DCE Scholarship Delhi Scholarship Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship Status of the Digital Gujarat Scholarship Disability Certificate Domicile Certificate Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship Dr. Ambedkar Scholarship, Haryana DRDO Scholarship Scheme For Girls DTE Scholarship in Maharashtra E Grantz E Grantz Login E Grantz Scholarship Status Kalyan Bihar Portal E Kalyan Status Epass Karnataka Ericsson Empowering Girls Scholarship Programme E. Samaj Kalyan Fellowships in India Gokdom Government Scholarships GSK Scholars Programme Gujarat Scholarship Haryana Scholarship Haryana Scholarship Portal HDFC Badhte Kadam Scholarship How to get a Caste Certificate HP Scholarship IET-India Scholarship Awards Immigration-Friendly Countries Income Certificate Indira Gandhi Single Girl Child Scholarship Inspire Scholarship Ishan Uday ITI Scholarships Jammu and Kashmir Scholarship Jharkhand Scholarship Jnanabhumi Application Status Kanyashree Karepass Karnataka Scholarships Kotak Kanya Scholarship Ladli Yojna Legrand Scholarship Mahadbt Mahadbt Login Mahadbt Scholarship Status Maharashtra Pre-Matric Scholarship Maharashtra Scholarship Manipur Scholarship MBA Scholarships in India MCM Scholarship Means Scholarship Meghalaya Scholarships Merck India Charitable Trust Scholarship Programme Merit Cum Means Scholarship For Minorities MHRD Scholarship MI Scholarship MOMA Scholarships MP Scholarship MP Scholarship Kyc MP Scholarship Portal MP Scholarship Status MYSY Scholarship Nabanna Scholarship Nagaland Scholarship National Scholarship Portal National Scholarship Portal (NSP) NMMS NSP Login NSP Renewal NSP UGC Scholarships Oasis Scholarship Oasis Scholarship Status OBC Scholarships Odisha Scholarship Olympiad ONGC Scholarship PFMS Login PFMS Scholarship Phd Scholarships PMRF PM Scholarship PMSSS Post Matric Scholarship Post-Matric Scholarship for Minorities Pragati Scholarship Pre-Matric Scholarship Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities Prerana Rajasthan Scholarship Rolls-Royce Unnati Scholarship Saksham Scholarship Programme for Drivers Children Saksham Scholarship Scheme Santoor Women's Scholarship SBI Asha Scholarship Programme SBI Education Loan SBI General Suraksha Support Scholarship Programme Schaeffler-India Hope Engineering Scholarship Scholarship Application Dos and Don'ts Scholarship Form Scholarships for Diploma Courses Scholarships for Indian Girls and Women Scholarships for North Eastern Students Scholarships for PG Students Scholarships for Undergraduates Scholarships in India Scholarship Status SC Scholarship SC ST Obc Scholarship Sensodyne Ida Shining Star Scholarship Programme Sitaram Jindal Scholarship SSP Scholarship ST Scholarship SVMCM Scholarship Eligibility Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Swami Vivekananda Scholarship Technip Energies India Scholarship Programme Telangana Scholarship The Tata Capital Pankh Scholarship Programme Top Scholarships for Medical Students Top Scholarships For Students Of Andhra Pradesh Tripura Scholarship Ugc Scholarship UP Post-Matric Scholarships UP Pre-Matric Scholarships UP Scholarship UP Scholarship Correction UP Scholarship Login UP Scholarship Registration UP Scholarship Renewal UP Scholarship Status Uttarakhand Scholarship Vidyalakshmi Portal Virchow Scholarship Programme VHTC WBMDFC West Bengal Scholarship