- Entire paper will be based on current year syllabus and MCQ type.
- Each question will carry 1 Marks.
- Each question will be 4 options.
- Total Number of question 100 . For 9th std student = Math-25 science-25, General knowledge -25,English-25. For 11th std student = ( PCM GROUP) Math-50,Phy-25 ,Chem-25 . ( PCB GROUP) BIO-50, Phy-25 , Chem-25.
- Exam duration = 1 hr 30 minutes.(No negative marking)
Award details:
- Best school Award: The school will be awarded by trophy and certificate of Creative and Innovative School.
- Best Teacher Award: The best teacher will be awarded a cash prize of INR 2100 along with a certificate.
- Merit Ranking Criteria: Ranking of merit will be strictly top to bottom. In the case of equal marks, preference will be given to Math, Science, and English marks.
- For more award details click here.
For more information, visit here.