Graduation, Post graduation, PhD
4000 Pounds
Scotland Saltire Scholarships (SSS) 2017 invites applications from citizens of Canada, India, Pakistan, USA or the People's Republic of China for Scholarships worth GBP 4000 for 100 applicants.
Candidates must be Graduates, Post Graduates or PhDs in one of the subject areas: Science, technology, creative industries, financial services, renewable and clean energy. This scholarship hopes to support the promotion of Scotland as a learning nation and a science nation.
The application can be done online with the following steps:
Step 1: Click here to apply.
Step 2: Fill the personal details.
Step 3: Enter the proposed course of study.
Step 4: Write in not more than 400 words: why you chose to study in Scotland & what were your reasons for choosing this particular institution and subject? Also, mention any relevant work experience.
Step 5: Submit.
Q: What are the Saltire Scholarships?
A: Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships (SSS) is a program of scholarships run by the Scottish Government. The scheme offers up to 100 awards, each worth £4,000 towards the tuition fees of successful applicants.
Q: What level of study are the scholarships available for?
A: Scholarships are available for a one-year full-time Graduation, Post graduation or PhD course at any of Scotland’s higher education institutions. Please click here to see Scotland's higher education institutions. Please note, Saltire Scholarships are not available for students of The Open University in Scotland.
Q: What subjects can I study?
A: The scholarships are designed to support the promotion of Scotland as a learning and a science nation and are therefore targeted at the priority sectors of:
Creative industries
Life sciences
Financial services
Renewable and clean energy
This list is not exclusive and applications for courses in broader subject areas will be considered. Please check with your institution to see what courses are covered. Examples on the list of subjects that can be studied can be found here.
Q: Are the scholarships limited to specific countries?
A: Yes, the priority countries are:
Q: I come from a country not mentioned above, can I still apply?
A: Unfortunately, at this time Scotland’s Saltire Scholarships (SSS) are only available to citizens and permanent residents of China, Pakistan, India, and North America.
Q: What does ‘Citizen’ mean?
A: A citizen is defined as being entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation. A native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place. A native registered or naturalized member of a state, nation, or other political community.