
R D Sethna Loan Scholarship 2018

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Class 12 passed and above




Loan scholarship of INR 10,000



About The Program

R D Sethna Loan Scholarship 2018 invites applications from class 12 passed students and above who are willing to undertake technical, scientific, commercial or industrial studies in India and overseas. The scholarship aims at assisting outstanding and deserving students of all communities thereby broadening their academic interests and in turn benefit the nation. 

EligibilityDeadline Date: Closed
An applicant must -
  • Have passed at least class 10 or other equivalent examination
  • Have scored not less than 50% marks in the last examination given
  • Be undertaking scientific, industrial, technical or commercial studies in India or overseas
The selected students will receive a loan scholarship of INR 10,000 or more to undertake studies in India or abroad. 
  • Copies of mark sheets and certificates from class 10 to last qualifying examination 
  • Copy of letter of admission 
  • Copy of income tax assessment order or salary certificate of student's parents and the person proposed as guarantor. 
  • Letters of recommendations/copies of testimonials
  • A passport size photograph of the applicant attested by S.E.M. or Gazetted Officer of Head of the Institution
  • Proof of recognition granted to college or institute by the Government of India (applicable for students proposing to study in India)
How can you apply?
Eligible candidates can apply for the scholarship by post through following steps -
Step 1: Obtain the prescribed application form from the trust office or by post by sending a request along with a payment of INR 50 (either postal order or demand draft in favour of R D Sethna Scholarship Fund).
Step 2: Fill in the application form. 
Step 3: Attach all supporting documents.
Step 4: Finally submit the application form. 
Important Dates
Application start date: 1 April 2018
Application deadline for overseas studies: 31 May 2018
Application deadline for local studies: 31 August 2018
Terms and Conditions
  • All the documents to be submitted should be certified as true copies by an S.E.M. or Head of the Institution in which the student is studying or has studied or gazetted officer. 
  • The guarantors of students who will receive the loan scholarship have to provide the following evidence -
    • A joint and demand promissory note 
    • An agreement in the prescribed format
    • Receipts and acknowledgements in the prescribed form
  • The person proposed as guarantor must be a male and permanent resident in Mumbai having a monthly income of not less than INR 10,000 for applicants pursuing studies in India and INR 15,000 for applicants pursuing studies overseas. 
  • Applicants are required to submit two letters of recommendations from individuals who are resident in Mumbai. 
  • Applicants must have taken an Endowment Life Insurance Policy for a sum equivalent to or in excess of the loan scholarship for a period not be more than 20 years. (If the applicants have an existing insurance policy, they can assign it to the trustees if it covers the loan amount).
To know more, click here
Contact Details
Esplanade House,
29 Hazarimal Somani Marg, 
Fort, Mumbai-400 001.
Tel: +91 22 2207 7044
Email: office@rdsethnascholarships.org
Important Links


  • Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  • Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.
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