
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2017-18

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Class 1 to 10




Admission fee, tuition fee, maintenance allowance



About The Program

Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2017-18 is organized by Government of India. It invites application from class 1 to 10 students of minority communities (Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, and Zoroastrians). The objective of this program is to provide financial assistance and to encourage parents for sending their child to school. The selected students will receive admission fee, tuition fee, maintenance allowance for 10 months in an academic year.


EligibilityDeadline Date: Closed
  • Class 1 to 10 students are eligible to apply
  • Students must have secured not less than 50% marks in the previous final exam
  • Annual income of their parents/guardian from all sources should do not exceed INR 1 lakh
  • The students should belong to the minority community (Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Zoroastrians/Parsis)
How can you apply?

The application can be done online or through states with the following steps:
Step 1:
Click on new user or register.
Step 2: Now, click to continue.
Step 3: Fill all the details and register.
Step 4: Login with given ID.
Step 5: Registered mobile number will get an OTP.
Step 6: Enter OTP number and confirm.
Step 5: Fill the application form.
Step 6: Submit.

The concerned State Government/Union Territory Administration will supply the application forms, till such time computerized systems are made operational by the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations. The application forms should be received back along with requisite certificates/certifications within the stipulated period.

Important documents
Terms and Conditions

Distribution of the scholarship:
The distribution of scholarship among the States or Union Territories will be made on the basis of the population of minorities (Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, and Zoroastrians) in the States or Union Territories.

Reserving for girl students:
30% of the scholarship will be reserved for girl students. In case a sufficient number of eligible girl students are not available, then the balance reserved scholarships may be awarded to eligible boy students.

Implementing Agencies:
The scheme will be implemented through the State Government/ Union Territory administration.

Terms & Conditions:

  • The scholarship will be discontinued if a student fails to secure 50% marks in the annual exam except in case of unavoidable reasons to be certified by the Principal or competent authority of the school and recommended by the State Government/Union Territory Administration
  • Scholarship will not be given to more than two students from one family
  • Students should be regular in attendance for which the average will be decided by the competent authority of the school
  • Income certificate to be issued by the Competent Authority declared by the State Government or UT Administration.
  • The school or institute will certify the claim of student of being an outstation or not residing in hostel of the school or institute concerned
  • Migration of student from one school or institute to another would not normally be during the course of academic year except under exceptional circumstances and in the interest of student’s academic career
  • If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled. The State Government or Union Territory Administration can also directly cancel the award if duly satisfied of the reasons of violation of these regulations governing the scheme
  • If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned State Government or Union Territory Administration
  • The State Government or Union Territory Administration will lay down the detailed procedure for processing and sanction of scholarship to eligible students
  • Tuition fee will be credited to the school’s or institute’s bank account
  • Maintenance allowance will be credited to the student’s bank account
  • The State Government or Union Territory Administration will maintain normal and records relating to the funds received from the Ministry and they will be subjected to inspection by the officers of the Ministry or any other agency designated by the Ministry
  • The student obtaining benefits under this scheme shall not be allowed to avail of benefits under any other scheme for this purpose
  • A student will be eligible for only one scholarship for all sources, i.e., SC/ST/OBC
  • The State Governments or Union Territory Administrations will constitute a committee of the Departments implementing such scholarship schemes to ensure that the student from the minority community, who may also belong to children of those engaged in unclean occupation and OBC do not avail scholarship from other sources for the same purpose and avail only one source
  • The fund for distribution of scholarship in subsequent year will be released after receiving the utilization certificate for the previous year
  • The scheme will be evaluated at regular intervals by the Ministry or any other agency designated by the Ministry and the cost of the evaluation will be borne by the Ministry of Minority Affairs under the provision of the scheme
  • The State or Union Territory will place all relevant details of financial and physical achievements on their website
  • The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Government of India

Documents required

The students need to provide the following documents to their respective institutions for verification -

  • Student photo
  • Institution verification form
  • Income certificate of parents/guardians issued by the competent authority in the state government.
  • Self-declaration of community certificate by the parents/legal guardian. 
  • Self-attested certificate of previous Qualifying Exam/Board mark sheet. 
  • Fee receipt of current course year. 
  • Proof of bank account
  • Aadhar card
  • Residential certificate


Contact Details
Email: helpdesk@nsp.gov.in, Phone: 0120 6619540
Important Links


  • Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  • Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.
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