EligibilityDeadline Date: Closed
Eligibility for essay competition:
- Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
- Students of classes 7, 8, 9 & 10
- One student can participate in only one language
- Essay should not exceed 700 words
- Student must submit essay in his/her own handwriting
- The topic for the essay is “Save Fuel for Better Environment and Health.”
- Time Limit: 1 Hour
Eligibility for Painting competition
- Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
- Students of classes 5 – 7 (Junior), Students of classes 8 – 10 (Senior) can apply
- School can conduct competitions in any one or both the categories. However, minimum 30 students must participate in each category in which the school submits its entry.
- Use only A3 size art sheet. The work may be executed using pencils, pencil colours, crayons, water colours etc. Use of Collage/Patchwork is not permitted in the paintings at all levels of competition.
- The topic for the painting competition is “Small Steps of Fuel Conservation can make a Big Change.”
- Time Limit: 2 Hours
Eligibility for Quiz competition
- Only schools in India recognized by Central & State Boards of India, can participate.
- This competition shall be conducted only online through web portal and mobile application PCRA-Competitions available on Android/Windows/IOS Platform to participate. A minimum of 30 students must be registered by the school, for becoming eligible to form a school team for next round.
- Students of classes 8 – 10 can apply
- Questions shall pertain to Agriculture, Conservation, Petroleum, Environment, Transport, General Studies and other categories.
- The schools shall register the names of all Students against the school ID on the portal and all the students can then participate as Individuals in First Round. Each student shall be given a time limit of 10 minutes to attempt the quiz of 10 questions.
- Software will select the two best scoring participants, who will form the School team.
- The School team (two best scoring participants) shall then participant in the second round or District level round, by logging in the portal, in school premises itself. This round will have 15 questions with a me limit of 10 minutes.
- The Zonal Finalists will be invited to participate at the National Finals
NOTE: Children of employees of PCRA are not eligible for the prizes.
How can you apply?
Application procedure to apply:
Step 1: Go to the official site here
Step 2: Register as Individual student or Schools
Step 3: Fill in all the necessary details
Step 4: Submit application form
Terms and Conditions
NOTE: PCRA shall bear expenses of travel and winners shall be communicated about the same
Important Links
Original website
Latest scholarship link
Apply online link