Master degree applicants
United Kingdom
Up to 100% tuition fee
Nottingham University Developing Solutions Masters Scholarship 2018 invites applications from master degree applicants. The objective of the scholarship is to make students capable of making a difference to the development of their home country.
A total of 105 scholarship are available out of which 30 scholarships cover 100% of tuition fees and remaining 75 covers 50% of the tuition fees.
Step 1: Applicant can click here to apply for a master degree programme.
Step 2: Fill the application form.
Step 3: Submit the application form.
Step 4: Once the applicants have received an offer to study, they can login here to apply for the scholarship under the scholarship section.
Address: International Office C Floor,
YANG Fujia Building Jubilee Campus,
Wollaton Road Nottingham,
Tel.: +44 (0) 115 951 5247