Q. How do I apply to the IITB-Monash Research Academy?
A. To apply to The Academy visit http://www.iitbmonash.org/application-process/ and fill in the online EOI form. More information on the applications process is available on this page. Is there any age limit, especially on upper side? No there is no age limit. Anyone can apply as long as they have an interest in a PhD and the relevant background qualifications.
Q. Is there an English Language pre-requisite for entry into The Academy PhD program?
A.Proficiency in English is essential. This is assessed on the basis of your language of instruction, the manner in which you respond to specific questions asked of you in the Form-A and also your responses during your face-to-face interview. Although your GRE/GATE/IELTS/TOEFL scores are not essential, they will be considered as part of the assessment process if available.
Q. Is it necessary for me to have completed GATE for entry into The Academy PhD program?
A. Proficiency in English is essential. This is assessed on the basis of your language of instruction, the manner in which you respond to specific questions asked of you in the Form-A and also your responses during your face-to-face interview. Although your GRE/GATE/IELTS/TOEFL scores are not essential, they will be considered as part of the assessment process if available. Your IELTS scores are essential at the time of your Visa application for visiting Australia. So if you do not have IELTS you will need to sit IELTS prior to your study tour to Australia.
Q. Do you have a GPA credit cut-off for gaining entry to the PhD Program?
A.Although there is no formal GPA cut off or course pre-requisites, it would be hard to accept you into a PhD program without formal training in areas that relate to the key research themes of The Academy. Available at: http://www.iitbmonash.org/research_themes_7.html. The current focus of The Academy is attracting top student in the fields of Engineering and Technology .The Academy will assess each applicant on its merits and provide extra course work prior to commencing a PhD in areas of need.
Q. Do I need to have completed certain specific courses to gain entry into PhD Program of The Academy?
A. Although there is no formal GPA cut off or course pre-requisites, it would be hard to accept you into a PhD program without formal training in areas that relate to the key research themes of The Academy. Available at: http://www.iitbmonash.org/research_themes_7.html. The current focus of The Academy is attracting top student in the fields of Engineering and Technology .The Academy will assess each applicant on its merits and provide extra course work prior to commencing a PhD in areas of need.
Q. When is the best time to apply?
A. You can apply if you are in the final year of your BTech, MTech, ME or MSc. Those students that are not completing their Masters or their Bachelors degree until next year should consider applying in next year’s selection round. The program is open to all candidates with a first class Masters degree in Engineering or Science from a reputed university or a Bachelors/Masters degree (with a high GPA) from the IIT’s, NIT’s or BITS. If you are applying in the December intake of a year and will be completing your current course only in May the following year, wait for the June intake.
Q. When will the next intake be if I am not ready to apply now?
A. There are 2 intakes per year, in June and December.