Respective subjects:
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Applied Science
- Allied Health Science
- Communication
- Engineering
- Life Science
- Medicine
- Management
- Pharmacy
- Information Science
- Science
- Statistics
- Duration of the course is 6 months probationary period + 3 years.
- Admissions are based on marks obtained in the past academic records, publication and research experience the candidates will be shortlisted for written test/interview.
- Fees for General category-Rs 52000 (at the time of admission: Rs 16000, after registration: 1st installment–Rs 12000, 2nd installment–Rs 12000, 3rd installment–Rs 12000).
- For foreign/NRI category (in US Dollars)–4500$ (1st installment–1500$, 2nd installment–1500$, 3rd installment–1500$).
- If a student wants to apply for more than 1 college, separate application forms should be submitted.
- The programme will commence from 30th June 2017.
- 6 months probationary period: Rs 14000 per month
- 1st year: Rs 16000 per month
- 2nd year: Rs 17000 per month
- 3rd year: Rs 18000 per month
Documents to be attached:
- Attested copy of the degree certificate of qualifying examinations.
- Attested copies of the marks cards of qualifying examinations.
- Any other relevant documents.