The application can be done online with the following steps:
Step 1: Go to the website.
Step 2: Sign-in to your Buddy4Study account or Buddy4Study account to access the form.
- If you already have an account, click on:
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Google Plus
- Login with Email
- If you are a first time user; create a Buddy4Study account:
- Register with Facebook
- Register with Google Plus
- Register with Email
- If you already have an account on Buddy4Study, but you have forgotten the password then click on "Forgot password" button.
Step 3: After signing in, click on the ‘START APPLICATION’ button to start filling the form.
Step 4: A 5-step form page will open.
- Step 1: Fill the personal details.
- Step 2: Fill the academic details.
- Step 3: Write the answers of two descriptive questions (minimum 25 words in both).
- Step 4: Provide two references with contact details and attach your documents (photo, id proof, age proof, family income certificate, class 12 mark-sheet, etc).
- Step 5: Go through the summary and submit the application form.
Note: The form will take 45 minute to 1 hour time to complete. Please start early to ensure it completed by the deadline i.e Feb. 28th 2017.